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band of phantoms // mix+master

album "band of phantoms" L.P aug 2024

science killer// recorded+mix+producer

// album "songs about love and other strange feelings",L.P,oct.2020 kabinet records

bare escape // recorded+mix+producer

// album "in a flash", L.P, nov.2019 kabinet records

ogrom circus // recorded+mix+producer

// album "what the sea once took", L.P/c.d, apr.2019, dynamite records


beps n johnnies //recorded+mix+producer

// e.p "screw loose girl", c.d, 2018 fullmoon records

ette enaka // recorded+mix+producer

// e.p "back to square one",c.d, 2016 happy mutant

my dead cat // recorded+mix+producer

// album "simple songs"", L.P, dec.2016, rusty chords records

my dead cat // recorded+mix+producer

// album "split", split L.P w/ wild tides,dec. 2015

cheva // recorded+mix+producer

// e.p "farewell e.p", oct.2016, HAW01

supertesla // recorded+mix+producer

// single "náš stárej ford/ tohle nemužeš přežít", nov.2016

the brass bed // drums+bass+percussion

// album "save your breath", c.d, jan.2001

gerda blank. // discog.  2008-2019

//all songs written and produced by rdb & stuart mills


// album "mono no aware", c.d, 2002, self-released//

// album "O" c.d, 2008, self-released. //

// album "numbers" l.p/c.d,2012 X-productions. //

// album "rituals" c.d, 2013 X-productions. //

//   e.p "her minds awake", 2019, happy mutant. //

// metronome blues. // discog.  2015-2020

//album  "metronome blues", jun.2015, self-released. //

//single "lonely sun", jun.2016, fullmoon records. //

//album  "sides", aug.2016, fullmoon records. //

//single "virtual door", may.2017, happy mutant. //

//single "vicious circles", dec.2017, happy mutant. //

//album  "vicious circles", jan.2018, happy mutant. //

//album  "garden of eden", may. 2020, kabinet records. //

//  e.p  "exploded view e,p",oct.2020, self-released. //

live sessions


tomaš paluka


acute dose


nichi mlebom


superego kid

adrian t bell


my dead cat

aivans naked trio

deer deer



nylon jail


at bona fide

permon balet superstar

nod nod


5 seconds to leave

koonda hola

swim bird fly

maggies marshmellows

manon meurt

the ills


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